Sofa washing services Professional

Sofa washing services

Sofa washing services

Sofa has long been considered a household item in the overall household items. Sofa not only bring a sense of softness, comfort but also bring a luxurious and elegant feel to your living room.

But how long have you not cleaned your sofa. Come to our sofa cleaning services to enjoy our best service.

Introducing sofa washing services

With an experienced staff. We are confident to introduce our services. Ensuring quality and reputation in the current service market.

For chair cleaning service. We conduct laundry directly at your home. This is different than when we wash curtains or carpets …

The fact that many families clean the sofa by themselves sometimes does not work as expected. We have also overcome not many cases.

Usually when you need our advice on services when the sofa has strange phenomena. Much is due to mistakes made when conducting hygiene.

And if you can clean your own chair, always follow a rule. Because sometimes not following the rules of hygiene is bad for your family chair.

When you trust our service. We are committed to serving our customers quickly and professionally with a reasonable process and special stay in handling experience.

Sofa washing services process

sofa washing services

In order to perform the sofa washing at home we use specialized machines. Get the job done more precisely and efficiently.

Note that if you wash without using specialized equipment, our chairs will not be as clean as you want. And sometimes dryness leads to a rather unpleasant odor.

Conducting cleaning chairs we usually abide by the procedure.

Step 1: Vacuum the entire chair. This helps to eliminate large grime. So that when washing do not scratch or tear the seat surface.

Step 2: Choose the right chemicals for your sofa. Mix into a dedicated bottle to conduct spray onto the seat surface.

Step 3: Spray the solution just mixed on the seat surface. After about 5-10 minutes will proceed to beat and wash.

Step 4: Use a special brush to conduct strong tea to remove deep stains.

Step 5: Use a special vacuum to remove all dirty water after scrubbing.

Step 6: Spray 2 times. This time do not spray evenly on the surface of the seat, but handle the remaining stubborn stains to conduct a second rub for the dirty places.

Step 7: Absorb water again

Step 8: Dry the chair by fan, air conditioner or it can also be exposed under the conditions

sofa washing service

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